For the past fifteen plus years, Susan has been producing and selling effective designs to both large advertising agencies, as well as in-house creative teams.
She believes effective design revolves around one simple rule; presentation is key and in order to sell an idea, you must do your homework. You can produce "great work" but if your designs aren't meeting the client's needs, they are useless.
Create identity packages and marketing materials for various markets and small business since 2004
Deliver smart, strategic and on-brand concepts as well as execute and oversee the production of those designs across a wide range of mediums
Manage in-house design team. Coordinated efforts to rebrand a wide range of consumer products, marketing tools, sales kits, and trade show graphics for an international multi-level marketing company
Deliver smart, strategic and on-brand concepts as well as execute and oversee the production of those designs across a wide range of mediums
Communication Arts degree aquired from Commerce campus
Produced award winning campaigns both independently and in a group setting
Applied Design and Visual Arts degree aquired from Clear Lake campus